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2016 XY Evolutions Pick Your Card! (BUILD YOUR SET)

C $1.00
Ungraded - Lightly Played (Excellent)
Venusaur EX 1/108
M Venusaur EX 2/108
Caterpie BASE 3/108
Caterpie Base Reverse holo 3/108
Metapod Base 4/108
Metapod Base reverse holo 4/108
Weddle Base 5/108
Weddle base reverse holo 5/108
Kakuna base 6/108
Beedrill base 7/108
Beedrill base reverse holo 7/108
Tangela base 8/108
Charmander base 9/108
Charmeleon base 10/108
Charmeleon base reverse holo 10/108
Vulpix base14/108
Ninetales BREAK 16/108
Growlithe base 17/108
Growlithe Base reverse holo 17/108
Arcanine base 18/108
Arcanine base reverse holo 18/108
Ponyta base 19/108
Ponyta base reverse holo 19/108
Magmar base 20/108
Blastoise EX 21/108 (BAD CONDITION)
Poliwag base 23/108
Poliwhirl base 24/108
Slowbro EX 26/108
Seal base 28/108
Seal base reverse holo 28/108
Dewgong base 29/108
Staryu base 30/108
Starmie base 31/108
Magikarp base 33/108
Magikarp base reverse holo 33/108
Gyarados holo 34/108
Pikachu base 35/108
Pikachu base reverse holo 35/108 Slightly damaged
Pikachu holo 35/108
Raichu base 36/108
Raichu base reverse holo 36/108
Magnemite base 37/108
Magneton base 38/108
Magneton base reverse holo 38/108
Magneton holo 38/108
Voltorb base 39/108
Electrode base 40/108
Electabuzz base 41/108
Nidoran base 43/108
Nidorino base 44/108
Nidorino base reverse holo 44/108
Gastly base 47/108
Gastly base reverse holo 47/108
Drowzee Base 49/108
Koffing base 50/108
Mewtwo base 51/108
Sandshrew base 54/108
Sandshrew base reverse holo 54/108
DIglett base 55/108
Dugtrio base 56/108
Machop 57/108
Machoke base reverse holo 58/108
Machamp holo 59/108
Onix base 61/108
Onix base reverse holo 61/108
M Pidgeot EX 65/108
Rattata Base 66/108
Rattata base reverse holo 66/108
Raticate base 67/108
Doduo base 69/108
Porygon base 71/108
Brocks grit base 74/108
Charzard spirit link base 75/108
Devolution spray base 76/108
Energey retrievel base reverse holo 77/108
Full heal base 78/108
Maintenance base 79/108
Misty's determination 80/108
Pidgeot spirit link base 81/108
Pidgeot spirit link base reverse holo 81/108
Pokedex base 82/108
Potion base 83/108
Professor oaks hint base 84/108
Slowbro spirit link 86/108
Super potion base 87/108
Super potion base reverse holo 87/108
Switch base 88/108
Venusaur spirit link base 89/108
Venusaur spirit link base reverse holo 89/108
Special energy base 90/108
Special energy base reverse holo 90/108
Grass energy base 91/108
Fire energy base 92/108
Water energy base 93/108
Lightning energy base 94/108
Psychic base 95/108
Darkness energy base 96/108
Darkness energy base reverse holo 96/108
Metal energy base 97/108
Fairy energy base 98/108
Exeggutor base 109/108
Surfing Pikachu Base 111/108 (Slightly damaged)
Last one
C $15.80 Canada Post Tracked Packet - USA.
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Located in: Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Estimated between Mon, Mar 10 and Mon, Mar 17 to 43230
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    Diners Club
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eBay item number:135489092005
Last updated on Jan 14, 2025 00:21:17 ESTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Lightly Played (Excellent): Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Card Size
Pokémon TCG
Year Manufactured
Card Stock

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Joined May 2005
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